miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Dana White: I don't know how Roy nelson can make 205 (VIDEO)

"I don't know how that guy makes 205," said UFC President Dana White. "He has enough trouble getting down to 250.

"I would be shocked ... or maybe he just shaves and gets down to 205 ... I don't know how he's gonna do it.

"I'm done with it. I've encouraged him to shave his face and cut his hair, too, but he doesn't wanna to listen to that either, so ... whatever.

"I like him. He's a tough guy with a ton of heart. He goes in there and give it his everthing. My thing I've always said to him, I'd like to see you take this thing serious and try to rip off some weight. When you've got a chin like that, and a heart like that ... and he can really knock people out, too."

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