viernes, 23 de marzo de 2012

Rich Franklin wants one more run at UFC middleweight title ... even if it means fighting Anderson Silva again

Believe it or not, there was a time when Anderson Silva wasn't the king of the middleweight mountain.
Indeed, rewind back to 2005 and Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) promoters thought they had the sport's next big megastar in Rich Franklin, who defeated Evan Tanner for the 185-pound championship at UFC 53.

In fact, stories abound that the powers that be did their very best to protect "Ace" from losing the strap because they saw him as the potential poster boy for the promotion, a clean cut, good looking, well-spoken former teacher from Cincinnati.

But along came a "Spider" and his bite changed everything.

Franklin started his mixed martial arts (MMA) career with a stellar record of 22-1. Then he ran into Silva and not only did he lose the middleweight title, he was systematically destroyed in the rematch one year later, effectively ending his run in the division and sending him into catchweight purgatory.

Now, though, Franklin tells he feels enough time has gone by that he can finally return to his old stomping grounds and make one more run at the belt, even if it's still strapped firmly around Silva's waist.

"After this injury, I was talking to Monte Cox and I said, 'what would the UFC think about me moving back down to 185?' I think at this point in time, in their minds, if I was able to put a title run together, even if they did do another rematch between Anderson (Silva) and I, there's been enough time at this point there would be interest in the fight, and I guess that's what the interest is now. ... Hopefully, this is where I'll finish my career."
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