jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Dana White: There would be no NFL, NBA or MLB if they got tested the way we get tested

Speaking to MMA Weekly after the press conference, White say the UFC and the athletic commissions do more drug testing than anyone else and also takes aim at the NFL , NBA and the MLB saying that if they got tested on a regular basis, there would be no sports to enjoy due to all of the athletes getting busted.

"Test them every time they perform. Test them every time they run out onto the field. Randomly test guys every time they run out onto the field. NFL, NBA, Major league baseball, test them. I'd love to see that happen and see, you would have guys getting popped fucking left and right. Let me put it to you this way. We got 375 guys under contract. We are doing a zillion fights a year. Right? Were traveling all over the world, all these other things were doing. Now, you really think we can crack down and just fucking chase these guys around everywhere they live all over the world and just randomly test these guys all the time? On top of all the other things were doing? You have to really sit back and you have to think and you have to use a little bit of reality and a little bit of, come on. It's unrealistic for me to chase these fucking guys all over the world and test them for marijuana, cocaine, steroids and this and that. It's impossible! We do more than any other sports organization on the planet. I want to see fucking baseball and football and all these other guys get tested the way we get tested. There would be no football, baseball or anything else if they got tested the way we get tested."

Continue reading: http://mmajunkie.com/news/28022/with-growing-focus-on-trt-ufc-boss-says-hands-tied-by-maddening-logistics.mma

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